Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Project Fortnight

So, in finding out my LGS doesn't have as well scheduled game nights as I thought, and that my friend won't be able to start the game till September, I am going to try and put together a 350 pt force before PAX on the 24th.

Here's the planned list:

Faction: Khador
Army Points: 349/350
Victory Points: 15

Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff
Winterguard Mortar Crew

The progress log for the models is right in the upper corner and updated frequently. I'll post a pic of the Juggernaut when it's done, and then start doing WIP of other models. I have plans of what models I want up to 500 points as I picked up the Khador Faction Deck to check out all the units, but I've gotta focus on being battle-ready for PAX right now.


PS: Do leave me a comment with any advice on the list/playing in general, or hell, if you're just reading this.

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