Monday, August 20, 2007

Lady In Red

So I sat myself down and worked on Sorscha a lot more today, and oh boy, I need lots of practice with flesh and faces and eyes. It looked better before the really really good lens zoom (click them for better resolution)...

The Frostfang is off again, but it came off during painting, so I kept it off - I'll pin it eventually.
But anyway here's some pics of the other work in progress stuff, and pretty much what will be my 350 point force.

Planned forces after I'm done painting these:

Army: Khador 'Jack Heavy
Army Points: 500/500

Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff
Man-o-War Kovnik
Winterguard Mortar Crew

Since I have never actually played, (not until PAX anyway, whoohoo, so soon) my decisions are pretty much based off the following:
1. Aesthetics
2. High amount of warjacks
3. Reasonable leadership/support of said warjacks

Juggernaut is still under construction, but I'm trying to do several models at a time as it keeps me motivated and helps keep the army theme together. Speaking of which, Sorscha's scheme stands out from the 'jacks, but I can't decide if it's too much or not. I guess I'll find out when more are done!


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